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Rules, regulations and terms of Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association


New members must submit their registration form online before participating in any training sessions. Existing member can renew their membership by filling in the form online at the beginning of a new season.


Each child must register before 9:30 am at the hockey pitch in order to participate in that particular training session (for attendance record purposes).


Existing Members (who paid for the full membership of Season 2021-22): 
Full Season (Sept 22 to March 23, excluded Jan 23, Total: 23 sessions): $600 (Deduction from cancelled session in 2022 due to COVID-19 suspension) 


New Members: 
Full Season (Sept 22 to March 23, excluded Jan 23, Total: 23 sessions): $1300


We only accept Cheque. Cheque should be made payable to “Hong Kong Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association” and crossed. 

Please refer to the Training Schedule for more details.


Every child must wear a mouth guard & shin pads for every training session. In addition, long hair must be tied back.  Coaches reserve the right to withdraw any child from any training session if safety requirements are not met.


Please note that training will be suspended if the Amber or Red Rainstorm Warning, Typhoon Signal 8 or the Thunderstorm Warning is hoisted.  The class may be cancelled if such adverse weather conditions occurs.  Due to COVID-19 or other special issues, some trainings might also be cancelled as per the latest rules and regulations.


Children must wear the proper uniform for every training session (The red/white club shirt, white sports shorts, and red sports socks).  Coaches reserve the right to withdraw any child from participating if their uniform is not up to the required standard.


A child must have an attendance record of at least 80% at training sessions in order to participate in any tournament. This percentage is set back to zero after each tournament. Coaches reserve the right to withdraw any child from tournaments if the attendance rate does not meet the standard.


Parents or caretakers are required to accompany their children to the sessions and to remain at the pitch for the duration. While they are there, they can relax in the shade, watch their children play, and chat with their friends.


As Kai Tak is a non-profit organization, parent support is very important resource to help us improving the training experience for the kids. Please do not hesitate to suggest via Contact Us or you may contact the committee members by telephone or e-mail if you have any idea or if you are interested to be our volunteer.


I accept that the Hong Kong Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association, its committees and members and the coaches will not be responsible for any liability whatsoever arising out of any accident or injury to players or to any other person or for loss or damage to any properly anywhere within the hockey venues or in connection with the Junior Hockey Promotion Scheme.

Privacy Policy

Hong Kong Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association (KTMHA) respects and protects your privacy. We undertake to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in order to ensure that your personal data are properly handled, as illustrated below:


1. Personal data should be collected by lawful and fair means and can only be used for lawful purposes directly related to the services and activities of the KTMHA.


2. The data collected should be necessary, adequate but not excessive in relation to its purposes.


3. Unless prior consent has been obtained from the data subject, the personal data should only be used, disclosed or transferred for the purposes of such collection.


4. All reasonably practicable steps should be taken to ensure that personal data collected or retained are accurate for the purposes for which they are used.


5. Personal data should not be kept longer than the time needed for the purposes for which they are used.


6. All reasonably practicable steps should be taken to ensure that personal data held are protected against unauthorized or accidental access, processing, erasure or other use.


7. The data subject is entitled to request access to and the correction of respective personal data. The KTMHA may refuse such request subject to the provisions and exemptions of the Ordinance.


For any enquiries in relation to this policy, please email us at:

External Links

For further information about Hockey, you may visit Hong Kong Hockey Association and International Hockey Federation.


Please note that the links take you to sites outside of the Hong Kong Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association domain. The Hong Kong Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association is not responsible for the content of such sites.

Please Contact Us for more information.


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©1983-2023 by Hong Kong Kai Tak Mini Hockey Association.

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